I liked it well enough, and my wife was enraptured by it (but enraged by the final five minutes, which was admittedly humorous). We were going to pause at the intermission for the evening, but she was really into it and wanted to see the rest.

Far be it from me to criticize what remains, adjusted for inflation, the biggest film of all time, but it seems obvious to me that Gone with the Wind could really benefit from some editing. There are other times where it needs more time to breathe. The pace is either breathlessly fast, with barely any time to process major character beats, or laboriously slow, with entire scenes that are clearly unnecessary.

Selznick very clearly believed the best way to do service to a book in film format was to carry it over, scene for scene, line for line, word for word. That can work, but I’m not sure it works flawlessly here the way it does for something like Rebecca (or, in more modern times, Gone Girl). I don’t think this requires any changes, so much as it just requires a disciplined editor.

There is also a slight discomfort about watching anything that so heavily romanticizes the Old South. It just felt gross to me, for a lot of (hopefully obvious) reasons. The first half of the film is greatly held back by this, and the second half remained uncomfortable.

Stellar acting all around, though. Gable and Leigh are both stupendous.

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